Health Green Pasta - kale & cashew sauce
I absolutely love cooking but I must confess that some days I’m just not in a mood for long recipes, and I really don’t have enough time during the days as well, that’s why I love this super easy & health green kale pasta.
We have been making this pasta quite a lot as makes everyone here happy and takes just a few minutes to prepare!
Green Pasta Recipe (serves 4)
2 cups of cashews (add boiled water for 5 min, just enough to cover, save the water)
2 cups of kale
1 tofu
4 tbsp of lemon juice
3 garlic gloves
3 tbsp of nutricional yeast
Salt, black pepper, & mixed herbs
1 small onion
~Simple add all the ingredients, apart from the onion, to a blender until getting a smooth sauce.
~I like to sauté the onion with a drizzle of olive oil in the pan, once its golden, just add the mixed blend with your fave pasta! VOILA!
~Ive added olive oil and black paper on top just cause I really add this to every meal I have! =) Pepitas, cheese, cherry tomatoes… you can get creative here!